Source code for beta_rec.datasets.instacart

import os
import random

import pandas as pd

from ..datasets.dataset_base import DatasetBase
from ..utils.common_util import un_zip
from ..utils.constants import (

# Download URL.

# processed data url

# Tips
    Instacart dataset can not be downloaded by this url automatically, and you need to do:
    1. Download this dataset via '',
    2. Put '' into the directory `instacart/raw/`,
    3. Unzip '', put all the *.csv files into 'instacart/raw/'.
    4. Rerun this program.

[docs]class Instacart(DatasetBase): """Instacart Dataset. If the dataset can not be download by the url, you need to down the dataset by the link: '' then put it into the directory `instacart/raw`, unzip this file and rename the directory in 'instacart'. Instacart dataset is used to predict when users buy product for the next time, we construct it with structure [order_id, product_id]. """ def __init__( self, dataset_name="instacart", min_u_c=0, min_i_c=3, min_o_c=0, root_dir=None ): """Init Instacart Class.""" super().__init__( dataset_name=dataset_name, min_u_c=min_u_c, min_i_c=min_i_c, min_o_c=min_o_c, root_dir=root_dir, manual_download_url=INSTACART_URL, processed_leave_one_out_url=INSTACART_LEAVE_ONE_OUT_URL, processed_random_split_url=INSTACART_RANDOM_SPLIT_URL, processed_temporal_split_url=INSTACART_TEMPORAL_SPLIT_URL, tips=INSTACART_TIPS, )
[docs] def preprocess(self): """Preprocess the raw file. Preprocess the file downloaded via the url, convert it to a dataframe consist of the user-item interaction and save in the processed directory. Download and load datasets 1. Download instacart dataset if this dataset is not existed. 2. Load <order> table and <order_products> table from "orders.csv" and "order_products__train.csv". 3. Merge the two tables above. 4. Add additional columns [rating, timestamp]. 5. Rename columns and save data model. """ # Step 1: Download instacart dataset if this dataset is not existed. print("Start loading data from raw data") order_products_prior_file = os.path.join( self.raw_path, "order_products__prior.csv" ) order_products_train_file = os.path.join( self.raw_path, "order_products__train.csv" ) if not os.path.exists(order_products_prior_file) or not os.path.exists( order_products_train_file ): print("Raw file doesn't exist, try to download it.") orders_file = os.path.join(self.raw_path, "orders.csv") # order_products__*.csv: order_id,product_id,add_to_cart_order,reordered prior_products = pd.read_csv( order_products_prior_file, usecols=["order_id", "product_id", "add_to_cart_order"], ) train_products = pd.read_csv( order_products_train_file, usecols=["order_id", "product_id", "add_to_cart_order"], ) order_products = pd.concat([prior_products, train_products]) # orders.csv: order_id,user_id,eval_set,order_number,order_dow,order_hour_of_day,days_since_prior_order orders = pd.read_csv( orders_file, usecols=["user_id", "order_id", "order_number", "eval_set"] ) user_products = order_products.merge(orders, how="left", on="order_id") # user_item_id = user_products.groupby(["user_id"]).count() # user_order_number = user_products.groupby(["user_id", "order_number"]).count() order_addtocart_user = ( user_products.groupby( ["order_id", "add_to_cart_order", "user_id", "product_id", "eval_set"] ) .size() .rename("ratings") .reset_index() ) order_addtocart_user.rename( columns={ "order_id": DEFAULT_ORDER_COL, "user_id": DEFAULT_USER_COL, "product_id": DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, "ratings": DEFAULT_RATING_COL, "eval_set": DEFAULT_FLAG_COL, }, inplace=True, ) timestamp_col = {DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COL: order_addtocart_user.index} order_addtocart_user = order_addtocart_user.assign(**timestamp_col) print("Loading raw data completed") # save processed data into the disk. self.save_dataframe_as_npz( order_addtocart_user, os.path.join(self.processed_path, f"{self.dataset_name}_interaction.npz"), )
[docs]class Instacart_25(DatasetBase): """Instacart Dataset. If the dataset can not be download by the url, you need to down the dataset by the link: '' then put it into the directory `instacart/raw`, unzip this file and rename the directory in 'instacart'. Instacart dataset is used to predict when users buy product for the next time, we construct it with structure [order_id, product_id]. """ def __init__( self, dataset_name="instacart_25", min_u_c=0, min_i_c=3, min_o_c=0, ): """Init Instacart_25 Class.""" super().__init__( dataset_name=dataset_name, min_u_c=min_u_c, min_i_c=min_i_c, min_o_c=min_o_c, manual_download_url="", processed_random_split_url=INSTACART_RANDOM_SPLIT_URL, processed_temporal_split_url=INSTACART_TEMPORAL_SPLIT_URL, )
[docs] def preprocess(self): """Preprocess the raw file. Preprocess the file downloaded via the url, convert it to a dataframe consist of the user-item interaction and save in the processed directory Download and load datasets 1. Download instacart dataset if this dataset is not existed. 2. Load <order> table and <order_products> table from "orders.csv" and "order_products__train.csv". 3. Merge the two tables above. 4. Add additional columns [rating, timestamp]. 5. Rename columns and save data model. """ # Step 1: Download instacart dataset if this dataset is not existed. print("Start loading data from raw data") order_products_prior_file = os.path.join( self.raw_path, "order_products__prior.csv" ) order_products_train_file = os.path.join( self.raw_path, "order_products__train.csv" ) if not os.path.exists(order_products_prior_file) or not os.path.exists( order_products_train_file ): print("Raw file doesn't exist, try to download it.") file_name = os.path.join(self.raw_path + ".gz") un_zip(file_name) orders_file = os.path.join(self.raw_path, "orders.csv") # order_products__*.csv: order_id,product_id,add_to_cart_order,reordered prior_products = pd.read_csv( order_products_prior_file, usecols=["order_id", "product_id", "add_to_cart_order"], ) train_products = pd.read_csv( order_products_train_file, usecols=["order_id", "product_id", "add_to_cart_order"], ) order_products = pd.concat([prior_products, train_products]) # orders.csv: order_id,user_id,eval_set,order_number,order_dow,order_hour_of_day,days_since_prior_order orders = pd.read_csv( orders_file, usecols=["user_id", "order_id", "order_number", "eval_set"] ) user_products = order_products.merge(orders, how="left", on="order_id") order_addtocart_user = ( user_products.groupby( ["order_id", "add_to_cart_order", "user_id", "product_id", "eval_set"] ) .size() .rename("ratings") .reset_index() ) order_addtocart_user.rename( columns={ "order_id": DEFAULT_ORDER_COL, "user_id": DEFAULT_USER_COL, "product_id": DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, "ratings": DEFAULT_RATING_COL, "eval_set": DEFAULT_FLAG_COL, }, inplace=True, ) timestamp_col = {DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COL: order_addtocart_user.index} order_addtocart_user = order_addtocart_user.assign(**timestamp_col) print("Start sampling 25% users from the raw data") users = list(order_addtocart_user[DEFAULT_USER_COL].unique()) sampled_users = random.sample(users, int(len(users) * 0.25)) order_addtocart_user = order_addtocart_user[ order_addtocart_user[DEFAULT_USER_COL].isin(sampled_users) ] print("Loading raw data completed") # save processed data into the disk. self.save_dataframe_as_npz( order_addtocart_user, os.path.join(self.processed_path, f"{self.dataset_name}_interaction.npz"), )