Source code for beta_rec.models.torch_engine

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter

[docs]class ModelEngine(object): """Meta Engine for training & evaluating NCF model. Note: Subclass should implement self.model! """ def __init__(self, config): """Initialize ModelEngine Class.""" self.config = config # model configuration, should be a dic self.set_device() self.set_optimizer() print(self.model) self.writer = SummaryWriter( log_dir=config["system"]["run_dir"] ) # tensorboard writer
[docs] def set_optimizer(self): """Set optimizer in the model.""" if self.config["model"]["optimizer"] == "sgd": self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config["model"]["lr"], ) elif self.config["model"]["optimizer"] == "adam": self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config["model"]["lr"], ) elif self.config["model"]["optimizer"] == "rmsprop": self.optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop( self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config["model"]["lr"], )
[docs] def set_device(self): """Set device.""" self.device = torch.device(self.config["model"]["device_str"]) self.model.device = self.device print("Setting device for torch_engine", self.device)
[docs] def train_single_batch(self, batch_data, ratings=None): """Train the model in a single batch.""" assert hasattr(self, "model"), "Please specify the exact model !" self.model.optimizer.zero_grad() ratings_pred = self.model.forward(batch_data) loss = self.model.loss(ratings_pred.view(-1), ratings) loss.backward() self.model.optimizer.step() loss = loss.item() return loss
[docs] def train_an_epoch(self, train_loader, epoch_id): """Train the model in one epoch.""" assert hasattr(self, "model"), "Please specify the exact model !" self.model.train() total_loss = 0 for batch_id, batch_data in enumerate(train_loader): assert isinstance(batch_data, torch.LongTensor) loss = self.train_single_batch(batch_data) total_loss += loss print("[Training Epoch {}], Loss {}".format(epoch_id, total_loss)) self.writer.add_scalar("model/loss", total_loss, epoch_id)
[docs] def save_checkpoint(self, model_dir): """Save checkpoint.""" assert hasattr(self, "model"), "Please specify the exact model !", model_dir)
# to do
[docs] def resume_checkpoint(self, model_dir, model=None): """Resume model with checkpoint.""" assert hasattr(self, "model"), "Please specify the exact model !" print("loading model from:", model_dir) state_dict = torch.load( model_dir, map_location=self.device ) # ensure all storage are on gpu if model is None: self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict) return self.model else: model.load_state_dict(state_dict) return model
[docs] def bpr_loss(self, pos_scores, neg_scores): """Bayesian Personalised Ranking (BPR) pairwise loss function. Note that the sizes of pos_scores and neg_scores should be equal. Args: pos_scores (tensor): Tensor containing predictions for known positive items. neg_scores (tensor): Tensor containing predictions for sampled negative items. Returns: loss. """ maxi = F.logsigmoid(pos_scores - neg_scores) loss = -torch.mean(maxi) return loss
[docs] def bce_loss(self, scores, ratings): """Binary Cross-Entropy (BCE) pointwise loss, also known as log loss or logistic loss. Args: scores (tensor): Tensor containing predictions for both positive and negative items. ratings (tensor): Tensor containing ratings for both positive and negative items. Returns: loss. """ # Calculate Binary Cross Entropy loss criterion = torch.nn.BCELoss() loss = criterion(scores, ratings) return loss