Source code for beta_rec.utils.monitor

import os
import time
from threading import Thread

import cpuinfo
import GPUtil
import psutil
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter

[docs]class Monitor(Thread): """Monitor Class.""" def __init__(self, log_dir, delay=1, gpu_id=0, verbose=False): """Initialize monitor, log_dir and gpu_id are needed.""" super(Monitor, self).__init__() DEVICE_ID_LIST = GPUtil.getAvailable( order="memory", limit=1 ) # get the fist gpu with the lowest load if len(DEVICE_ID_LIST) < 1 or gpu_id is None: self.hasgpu = False else: self.hasgpu = True self.gpu_id = gpu_id self.start_time = time.time() # Start time self.verbose = verbose # if update the usage status during the process self.stopped = False # flag for stop the monitor self.delay = delay # Time between calls to GPUtil = os.getpid() self.writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_dir) # tensorboard writer label = "brand" if "brand_raw" in cpuinfo.get_cpu_info().keys(): label = "brand_raw" self.writer.add_text( "device/CPU", "cpu count: {:d} \t brand: {:s}".format( os.cpu_count(), cpuinfo.get_cpu_info()[label] ), 0, ) self.writer.add_text( "device/RAM", "Current RAM - total:\t {:.3f}GB;".format( psutil.virtual_memory().total / 2.0 ** 30 ), 0, ) self.count = 0 # Count for calculate the average usage self.GPU_memoryUsed = [] self.GPU_memoryFree = [] self.CPU_load = [] self.memoryUsed = [] if self.hasgpu: self.GPU = GPUtil.getGPUs()[self.gpu_id] self.GPU_memoryTotal = ( self.GPU.memoryTotal / 2.0 ** 10 ) # Total gpu memory amount in GB self.writer.add_text( "device/GPU", "Current GPU (ID:{:d}) name:{:s} ".format(self.gpu_id, + "Total_GPU_memory: {:.3f}GB;".format(self.GPU_memoryTotal), 0, ) if verbose: devices_status() self.start()
[docs] def write_cpu_status(self): """Write CPU status.""" CPU_load = psutil.Process( self.writer.add_scalars( "device/cpu", {"CPU_load (%)": CPU_load}, self.count, ) self.CPU_load.append(CPU_load)
[docs] def write_mem_status(self): """Write memory usage status.""" memoryUsed = ( psutil.Process([0] / 2.0 ** 30 ) # current app memory use in GB self.writer.add_scalars( "device/mem", {"memory_used (GB)": memoryUsed}, self.count, ) self.memoryUsed.append(memoryUsed)
[docs] def write_gpu_status(self): """Write gpu usage status.""" self.GPU = GPUtil.getGPUs()[self.gpu_id] GPU_load = self.GPU.load * 100 GPU_memoryUsed = self.GPU.memoryUsed / self.GPU_memoryTotal * 100 GPU_memoryFree = self.GPU.memoryFree / self.GPU_memoryTotal * 100 self.writer.add_scalars( "device/GPU", { "GPU_load (%)": GPU_load, "GPU_memory_used (%)": GPU_memoryUsed, "GPU_memory_free (%)": GPU_memoryFree, }, self.count, ) self.GPU_memoryUsed.append(GPU_memoryUsed) self.GPU_memoryFree.append(GPU_memoryFree)
[docs] def run(self): """Run the monitor.""" while not self.stopped: self.count += 1 self.write_cpu_status() self.write_mem_status() if self.hasgpu: self.write_gpu_status()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the monitor.""" self.run_time = time.time() - self.start_time print("Program running time:%d seconds" % self.run_time) self.stopped = True return self.run_time
""" some static methods """ # print current devices available
[docs]def devices_status(): """Print current devices status.""" print_cpu_stat() print_mem_stat() print_gpu_stat()